4,5 starsIt would have been a 5 stars rating if I had had my fill of the murders plot lines, but I revelled in this world, in every street, every alley, windowsill, roof-top, every dark corner and gas lamp from White Chapel to Hell’s Bellow.I fell for Belimai and the “Flower of Evil” texture of his thoughts, all dark melancholy, self-loathing and opium induced poetry. I liked that it wasn’t overplayed and that the sounds, scents and touch he is so attuned to, brought as much grittiness as reverie.I liked Harper for being flawed, loving Belimai, pulling him out of his torpor and bringing the sarcasm out of him. His book is an easier - but less focused - read that I enjoyed mostly for their interactions.One favourite quote and I’ll leave it at that:”“His long fingers stretched out in graceful curves. They were like virgin bodies, utterly untouched, even by the sun.The urge to drag one of my black nails across the back of Harper’s hand brushed through my thoughts. When I reached out and carefully touched one of Harper’s fingers, I almost expected to see a dirty yellow stain left behind, but the skin remained flawless”.